Buy Now, Pay Later

2-4 working days delivery

Free shipping on all orders above 100 EUR


Click and collect Click and collect


Select Click & Collect and pick up in store.


When you’re selecting “Click & Collect” as your delivery method, you can pick up your order from a store of your choice, as long as all the item(s) you have ordered are in stock at that store. At the checkout, you will be able to see which stores are available to be picked up from. You can collect your order during the stores opening hours. Want same day pick-up? Just place your order 4 hours before your chosen store closes. Find the opening hours of each store here.

You will receive an e-mail and SMS when your order is ready for pick-up.

If you have placed your order and we discover the item(s) are not in stock at your chosen store, we will cancel your order and you will receive an e-mail with information.

How to use our Click & Collect service

- Find the item(s) you like and add to them bag on

- Go to check out and choose shipping methed “Click & Collect”. Then from the drop-down menu simply select the store that you’d like to pick up from. (As long as all the item(s) you have ordered are in stock at that store).

- Pay the order online.

- When you order is ready you will receive a notification on e-mail and SMS.

Free, fast and easy.

Where can I pick up my parcel?

- You can pick up the order in an Envii store of your choice. Find our stores here.

- Please bring a valid photo ID and the pick-up notification you received on e-mail or SMS.

How fast can I pick up my parcel?

- You can pick up your parcel in store after 4 hours.

- The parcel is ready when you receive a notification on e-mail and SMS.

- Attention: Your parcel must be picked up within 5 days.

- Just place your order 4 hours before your chosen store closes and it will be ready the same day.